Wednesday, January 6, 2010


I have been trying since AUGUST to remember what username I used to make this dang blog and I have literally tried for hours to access it and I FINALLY figured it out!!! I feel like a complete computer idiot.. but its ok.. cuz i figured it out!!!! :)

A TON has happened.. ofcourse! It's only been a few months.. My best friends all got ENGAGED!!! I'm super excited for them!! No lies, a little bit of jealousy tried to creep out, but I got rid of it!! God is in control and I am happy!!
I still work at Dominos... and honestly, I've seen better days.. even at Dominos. However, it is my job, so I will do it to the best of my ability.
School starts soon! I am more happy about that then I think I need to be.. I really am looking forward to my classes starting!!

I went to camp for New Years and I had a BLAST!! I can NOT wait till this summer.. incase you didn't know, I will be working there ALL summer!! :) God has really opened up this opportunity for me and I am soo thanful that it is going to work out!! I really wanted to last year, it just wasn't what He had planned for me at the time!! I really feel like that's what I should do.. I LOVE being knee or even neck deep in ministry!! I love the people there and the kids that come through are so amazing and challenge me soo much!!

I've learned alot lately about myself and about being happy. I feel like it is very easy to try to make myself happy.. and THAT, my friends, is next to impossible. I can't be happy all by myself.. it is only through God's love that I have found happiness!!
On a side note, I have been pursueing something for some time now that I finally realized isn't something that needs pursueing. I was only told to simply WAIT a trillion times.. I just finally heard it and decided to listen!! It's been so nice too... something can't stress you out unless you let it, and boy was I letting it!!

I have been a little worried about this semester, the people that are important to me are either not here or have aLOT to focus on right now.. I kinda thought I might feel lonely.. but even since I've been back, with none of them here, I have been able to be happy. Joy isn't found in my circumstances... I learned that from my mom! :)

Well.. this is random and just kind of a 'keeping you up to date' blog.. idk if thats what these things are for.. but here it is anyway!!

There in my working.. Be my Everything!
its possible

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