Friday, January 8, 2010

the start of school..

So, my classes don't technically start until the 18th of January. I am fully aware that I, unlike many others, still have 10 days of "rest and relaxation" (boredom) before getting slammed with tons and tons of reading. However, this morning, I woke up to the sound of a man slamming on my door then nicely ringing my doorbell 3 times. My books had arrived. I would much rather an owl coming down my chimney or something along those lines to let me know that school is just around the corner. Instead, I woke up startled, then realized what it was. I peaked out my window to see if he was waiting for me to sign something, the nice man who had brought school to me was already pulling away.. ring and run.. i use to play that game when i was little, he gets paid to play it?! About an hour later I got up to bring this rather large package in from the cold.. and trust me, it's cold. In case my floor wasn't messy enough.. I now have 5 rather large books strewn across it, along with a case of DVD's ($100 dvd's might i add) and the big box they came in. Classes don't start for ten days.. but they woke me up today.

All this being said, aside from the fact that 'school' means a lot of hw, papers, beyond thinkable amounts of reading, etc., I am actually excited about classes starting. Perhaps I am more excited about them ending, and they have to start before they can end.. either way, I am excited! I fully intend to stay ahead this semester. I have even already started in an attempt to be ahead!

Excited as I may be, I'm tired of writing about school.. hehe..
So back to the randomness I normally post about...

I am going to Raleigh NC this weekend!! I am meeting Caleb at a church that our friend Richard has been working at and we are helping lead worship Sunday morning!! So if you think about it, be prayin for us!! I am a little nervous.. I wasn't at all until the word 'microphone' was mentioned.. and it only grew as I was told how excited the entire church is about us coming!! It should be awesome though!! I love singing, although I am not the most confident when it comes to singing, I do enjoy it, and I love using my voice to worship God!

I work tonight. People seem to be liking Domino's more and more in the Forest, VA area.. which is good! As long as we are staffed for it! College's aren't back yet, so perhaps we will get to close ontime! Saturday morning I get to leave for Raleigh, so if I can make it through tonight, I have that to look forward to!

I cut my hair this week, got a pedicure, AND a manicure! :) (i felt really girly aftwerwards..haha..more than usualy - especially playin frisbee last night with NAILS! i played well though!)

Enjoy your weekend!

God in my learning, Be my Everything!
its possible

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


I have been trying since AUGUST to remember what username I used to make this dang blog and I have literally tried for hours to access it and I FINALLY figured it out!!! I feel like a complete computer idiot.. but its ok.. cuz i figured it out!!!! :)

A TON has happened.. ofcourse! It's only been a few months.. My best friends all got ENGAGED!!! I'm super excited for them!! No lies, a little bit of jealousy tried to creep out, but I got rid of it!! God is in control and I am happy!!
I still work at Dominos... and honestly, I've seen better days.. even at Dominos. However, it is my job, so I will do it to the best of my ability.
School starts soon! I am more happy about that then I think I need to be.. I really am looking forward to my classes starting!!

I went to camp for New Years and I had a BLAST!! I can NOT wait till this summer.. incase you didn't know, I will be working there ALL summer!! :) God has really opened up this opportunity for me and I am soo thanful that it is going to work out!! I really wanted to last year, it just wasn't what He had planned for me at the time!! I really feel like that's what I should do.. I LOVE being knee or even neck deep in ministry!! I love the people there and the kids that come through are so amazing and challenge me soo much!!

I've learned alot lately about myself and about being happy. I feel like it is very easy to try to make myself happy.. and THAT, my friends, is next to impossible. I can't be happy all by myself.. it is only through God's love that I have found happiness!!
On a side note, I have been pursueing something for some time now that I finally realized isn't something that needs pursueing. I was only told to simply WAIT a trillion times.. I just finally heard it and decided to listen!! It's been so nice too... something can't stress you out unless you let it, and boy was I letting it!!

I have been a little worried about this semester, the people that are important to me are either not here or have aLOT to focus on right now.. I kinda thought I might feel lonely.. but even since I've been back, with none of them here, I have been able to be happy. Joy isn't found in my circumstances... I learned that from my mom! :)

Well.. this is random and just kind of a 'keeping you up to date' blog.. idk if thats what these things are for.. but here it is anyway!!

There in my working.. Be my Everything!
its possible

Sunday, July 5, 2009

man, i missed a month.

So I missed the month of June.. it's okay, nothing really happened!

Today was amazing! I got to church this morning at 11.. I twittered something along the lines of '1000 ppl here and im sitting alone' my mom responded sayin that the One who matters is there, or something like that, talking about God. Then the FIRST song we sang was 'I am a friend of God'. and it made me smile. :) Ergun Caner spoke today.. I was pretty excited... he is very easy for me to listen to and God definitely speaks through him!! He talked about worship and by the end of the service we did more music, and i dont think i have really felt God's presence like i did this morning in way too long.. I know he is here, he is with me.. but allowing myself to feel his presence and acknowledge him is a totally different thing!!! Worship is such a big thing for me.. I really feel the closest to God when I am worshiping him.. not even just through music.. even though that is the easiest! I went back tonight and he did part two on the series.. and 3 and 4 are next week.. i finally get sundays off!! He really challenged me.. this morning he said that it is easiest to come to Christ when we are broken. That no one is found in the Bible talking to God that isnt on their face. Down as broken as could be, offering all that I am to my creator.. I wouldnt want anything else. 'Broken I run to you for I know, you satisy'.. its so amazing!!! Seriously.. we are asked to worship and lift him up.. if we dont do it the trees and the rocks will cry out.. which would be soo neat to see.. but how can we not worship the Living God?! He loves us soo much!! I dont really have much more to say, I feel like i'm repeating myself! But I can't say it enough!! The number 1 reason churches split is because of worship. I pick a church because of worship. Worshiping God isn't about the cymbals, the trumpets, the drums or guitars, its about praising The Lord Almighty and exalting His Name!!

well.. I hope everyone has been doing awesome!! I am doing well.. sleeping a little more lately!! Having fun more lately, lol! Really trying to get into the right crowd, not just for me to pour into.. but the ppl that influence and pour into me! SO IMPORTANT!! I know I'm filled to be emptied, but I can't pour into others unless I am allowing myself to be fueled! So, its been nice to have friends investing in me as well so I can invest in them and others that just need to be loved and to hear biblically sound advice, not just what the world has to say, but what the Bible says is the right way to live! I've also noticed 2 things in my life that I'm going to be working on, i dont want to say what they are just yet, but please be praying for me with that!!

God in my thinking, Be my Everything.
its possible

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Almost a month later...

ok, so I like having a blog. I just don't really have enough courage to put the thoughts of mine that are actually interesting up here. They might cause conversation, and that would not be necessary.

Anyway, the past few weeks are seeming to be a constant struggle. First off, work. I work at Dominos as most of you know. I am an assistant manager at my store. I have given my manager pretty open availability around my frisbee schedule and the importance of church to me. However, I keep running into the same problem. He schedules me to open Sunday morning. Which means, there at 10 AM. It doesn't stop there. I am often also scheduled to close on Saturdays, which means, I am there until at the very minimum 1AM. These two things together make it EXTREMELY hard for me to make it to church. There is only one church with a service around those times and it is the famous Thomas Road, and the service is at 8:30.
Here's where I run into the other areas of my life that satan is really tugging on me. I have not been able to sleep very well lately. I have even been using Tylenol PM's SIMPLY SLEEP, on occassion, with hopes of a fuller night. The sleep that I get is good, it's just the initial act of GETTING to sleep that I am having trouble with. Which leads to point 3. I wake up and I go to work. I am there at 9:30 fresh out of bed, and I don't usually leave until atleast 6 PM. As we all know, pizza is not good for you to eat on a daily basis. I however don't have the money to bring food with me every day. All of this adding up to not eating lunch most days, or breakfast for that matter. When I get off around 6 or later, I have also been around food all day and just don't want anything right then. If I am lucky, I will get hungry soon, or my friends will force me to eat SOMETHING. I refuse to eat too late, its not good for you. Lately though, my body seems to be getting use to small portions of food, therefore when I DO eat, i feel sick if it is more than a small portion. So there are days when not eating at all FEELS like a better option.

I'm not stressed, I love my job, I love food, I don't feel tired. I just sort of feel like I don't have time in my life or the $ for food, or time even for sleep sometimes. I'm sure that sounds stupid, but it's how I feel. I would rather be out late with friends and know that I will have to be up early the next day than to go home and sleep and miss out. Sure, you can say this is unhealthy, but I feel like my problems really begin to come when this pattern of my current lifestyle changes. The people I hang out with also keep "Domino's hours".. so it really is just convenient to stay up.

I don't know where I am going with this, I guess I just want to ask that you be praying for me. I feel like I have so much on my mind lately that I just choose to not think about it. Not thinking about it is hard, but I guess God knows all about it and will work things out with out my unecessary stress added to it.
I see the stress added to others lives and also the laziness in the lives of people who don't care enough to do a thing about life. There has to be an in between!
well, anyway.. I hope you are all well!! I will try desperately to make it to church next sunday and eat a full meal every day. Love you all!

God in my resting, be my Everything.
its possible


Monday, May 4, 2009

A fresh start...

So, I don't really know how well this will work out for me, I often forget about these and don't update them often. I'd like to try it out for the summer. Who knows, maybe it will stick! I have found that the reason I don't do these is because I often feel the need to impress people with what I have to say. So, if you aren't impressed, or find me rambling.. then don't read it, because I am going to use this to say exactly what I need and want to say. I would love feedback or opinions, but if you want to respond, please use a message or e-mail or something.. otherwise, keep your opinions to yourself! I say that with love! :)

Anyway, the past 2 weeks have been so different for me. I have realized so much about my job and what I want from it, as well as made some new friends. The neatest part is how different all of them are. From the extreme encourager and God centered and seeking Christians, to the daily struggles of a split and hurting family and choosing to live life for no one but ones self. Like I said, opposite ends of the spectrum. I am so blessed by every angle of the past few weeks. I have seriously taken on a new respect for my job and the idea of working. As many of you may say its just domino's, it really is something I enjoy, it's a constant challenge for me that I would love to continue to take on until God clearly shuts this door.. however, its swinging wide open and I am excited! Back to the people, I have been given such an opportunity to be a difference to a few people lately. All with such unique stories that I am so glad to be able to be a part of. I won't tell you all of them, but please be praying for the friends God has given me!

My school work is almost done! ONE week left! 1 study guide, one quiz, and one exam. Seems like so much, but once it's done, I'm on to an enjoyable summer of a full time job, and hopefully some Frisbee action! It his me today how much I am going to miss a friend of mine that is leaving this week, I'm excited for the opportunity he's been given this summer, but at the same time, I love and will miss how much of a friend he's been to me since I have moved here and through the struggles I have taken on over the past 5 months. (almost to the day.)

Well, I hope you all know how much I love you and I am thankful for how much love you show me! I am so blessed, sometimes I don't always realize it. I hope this blog gives me a chance to show you how much a part of this world I can be in, while seeking even more of God's heart and sharing it with anyone I cross paths with.

God in my living, be my everything.
It's Possible